Dear All,
We are currently looking for suitable qualified employees who is rightly motivated and who seeks challenging and exciting career to fill the following position:
(E-2) Material System Engineer (field of corrosion engineering) for EPC company in Japan
Job description
Selection of materials in plant engineering as well as corrosion protection design-related technical study, technical clarification, technical assistance, preparation of reports, etc.
Selection of corrosion resistant materials
Investigation of causes of materials corrosion
Study on electrical corrosion protection methods, coating specifications, etc.
RequirementsBusiness-related experience gained through research and study into corrosion and corrosion protection mechanisms as well as in using such knowledge for practical purposes and providing technical assistance in such fields.
Language capability
English: Average - Excellent
Japanese: Not mandatory
Interested candidates are invited to send e-mail their resume giving full personal details, educational qualification, working experience, present and expected salary, together with recent passport size photograph and indicate the position applied for to:
We apologize that only shortlisted candidate will be notified and interviewed.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Buku ini adalah kumpulan kisah pengalaman seorang pekerja lapangan di bidang Migas Ditujukan untuk kawan-kawan para pekerja lapangan dan para sarjana teknik yang baru bertugas sebagai Insinyur Proses di lapangan. Pengantar Penulis Saya masih teringat ketika lulus dari jurusan Teknik Kimia dan langsung berhadapan dengan dunia nyata (pabrik minyak dan gas) dan tergagap-gagap dalam menghadapi problem di lapangan yang menuntut persyaratan dari seorang insinyur proses dalam memahami suatu permasalahan dengan cepat, dan terkadang butuh kecerdikan – yang sanggup menjembatani antara teori pendidikan tinggi dan dunia nyata (=dunia kerja). Semakin lama bekerja di front line operation – dalam hal troubleshooting – semakin memperkaya kita dalam memahami permasalahan-permasalahan proses berikutnya. Menurut hemat saya, masalah-masalah troubleshooting proses di lapangan seringkali adalah masalah yang sederhana, namun terkadang menjadi ruwet karena tidak tahu harus dari mana memulainya. Hal ters...
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