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Showing posts from April, 2013

Tanya mengenai SRP dan ESP dan penyelesaian masalah backpressure

Sucker rod pump atau pompa angguk adalah positive displacement pump, tekanannya bervariasi secara perodik. Tinggi waktu upstroke dan rendah pada saat downstroke. ESP adalah multi stage centrifugal pump, tekanannya konstan. Tanya - Herry Prasetyo Anggoro Sebelumnya saya ingin menceritakan terlebih dahulu mengenai latar belakangnya pak. Jadi di lapangan kami ini, ada beberapa sumur yang dihubungkan dengan Trunkline untuk menuju ke Stasiun Pengumpul. Namun, tekanan di wellhead masing-masing sumur di beberapa tempat menunjukkan variasi di tekanannya. Ada sumur dengan tekanan tinggi ada juga sumur dengan tekanan yang tidak terlalu tinggi. Karena semua sumur ini masuk ke dalam satu Trunkline menuju ke Stasiun Pengumpul, maka ada masalah yang berhubungan dengan produksi. Untuk saat ini suspectnya adalah mengenai Backpressure. Yaitu sumur yang memiliki tekanan yang tidak terlalu tinggi tidak bisa mengalirkan fluida hingga ke Trunkline. Dan seolah-olah sumur tersebut tidak berproduksi. Yan

Sistem Lightning Protection untuk dermaga/jetty di tengah laut

Rekan-rekan milis, saya mau tanya bagaimana sistem Lightning Protection untuk dermaga/jetty di tengah laut. Terutama untuk jenis dan instalasi grounding rod nya, mengingat media yang ada hanya beton dan air laut bukan tanah seperti di daratan. Sekalian tentang metode pengukuran tahanan pentanahannya. Tanya - "GuntuR. Selamat sore., Rekan-rekan milis, saya mau tanya bagaimana sistem Lightning Protection untuk dermaga/jetty di tengah laut. Terutama untuk jenis dan instalasi grounding rod nya, mengingat media yang ada hanya beton dan air laut bukan tanah seperti di daratan. Sekalian tentang metode pengukuran tahanan pentanahannya. Mungkin ada rekan2 yg berpengalaman atau yg memiliki referensinya bisa dishare ilmunya. Terima kasih Tanggapan 1 - Bambang Pt.teknokraft Dear Pak Guntur, Untuk di open area seperti dermaga diperlukan proteksi eksternal, dan karena udaranya mengandung banyak garam maka sebaiknya menggunakan rod dari bahan Stainless steel 316 dan langsung di masukkan ke

Penggabungan Juru Las AWS dan ASME

Kalau mau menerapkan dua standard ( ASME IX & AWS D1.1  ) dalam satu Welder Qualification Test, satu test piece, WPS yg di gunakan harus dengan process yang sama spec nya, ( lihat essential variable masing-masing code/standard, harus sama atau masih dalam satu range ). Tanya - Doni Afrizal Dear all, Ada yang pernah membuat Uji Juru las dengan satu benda uji bisa dibuatkan sertifikat juru las sesuai ASME IX dan AWS D1.1 Saya pernah mendengar ada yg menerapkannya, tapi mungkin kah? karena WPS yang dipakai untuk menguji juru las kan pasti terpisah, satu berdasar ASME dan satunya lagi AWS. Tanggapan 1 - Doni Purwo H Dear Pak Doni A, Sepengetahuan saya dan as per discuss  with Authorized Inspector, bisa, asal Test Piece ( pipe / plate ) tersebut cukup untuk Lab Test / Mechanical test sesuai spec ASME IX & AWS D1.1,  ya, WPS yg di pakai pasti berbeda, namun kalau mw menerapkan dua standard ( ASME IX & AWS D1.1  ) dalam satu Welder Qualification Test, satu test piece, WPS y

Y-Globe Valve Gland Leak

Pada fasilitas plant biasanya penggunaan material gland pada valve terkait frekuensi open-closed yang sering, misal pada lcv ,pcv dll ataupun valve yg sering open closed. Sehingga memang perlu penggantian berkala untuk maintenance krn sifat material yang makin lama makin tergerus maupun getas...gland sebagai bahan yang dikorbankan. Kalau design pmakaian gland pada valve agar dilakukan penggantian berkala. Tanya - Riksha Lenggana Mohon pencerahan dan informasinya mengenai kekuatan / daya tahan Valve Gland yg terdapat di Y-Globe Valve. Situasinya, Kami punya line Solvent Header yang terpasang 2 buah Y-Globe Valve 4 inch 2500#, dengan Pressure sebesar 300kg/m2. Dan salah satu valve dalam kondisi closed. Kondisi terakhir, Gland dari valve yg tertutup mengalami kebocoran. Setelah berdiskusi dengan org lapangan, kami punya 2 dugaan kenapa Valve Gland mengalami kebocoran. Dugaan kami adalah : 1.  Ada Tekanan di dalam Solvent Header yang diakibatkan oleh Solvent yg terperangkap di dalam H

Urgently : Senior Maintenance Engineer - PT. Inti Platindo Perdana

PT INTI PLATINDO PERDANA – Aramis Group Aramis Group is an international Group of companies specialized in Project Management, Engineering and Consultancy Services for the Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Energy and Process Industries. The Group is engaged in a number of business ventures throughout Asia and Middle East. For PT Inti Platindo Perdana, Aramis' subsidiary in Jakarta, we are seeking the following positions: SENIOR MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS DISCIPLINES: 1. ELECTRICAL 2. NSTRUMENTATION 3. MECHANICAL ROTATING MAIN TASKS: Candidates will need to: - Develop Preventive Maintenance (PM) Job Plans (also known as Preventive Maintenance Routine or PMR) QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE: - They must have at least 5 – 10 years' experience in Maintenance activities with the in Oil & Gas sector. - Awareness of Generic Maintenance Strategies (also known as Maintenance Best Practices). - RCM awareness would be an advantage. - Candidates must be fluent i

Vacancy Fuel Engineer

A reputable power producer company, located in Eastern Jakarta, is currently seeking a new employee to post as Fuel Engineer. The candidate should have the criteria as following:   a. Minimum Bachelor degree from reputable universities. b. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply, min. GPA 3.30. c. Having experience in oil and gas business are advantageous. d. Having pleasant personality and enable to work in team. e. Master holder graduation are advantageous. f. English fluency is a must.   The prospective candidates should send their resume to: not later than 25 April 2013.     Many thank in advance for your concern and help.  

Job Vacancy: Coating & Material Engineer

Job Vacancy at Batam (Kepri, Indonesia): Coating & Material Engineer In order to support our client's project the biggest offshore fabricator in Indonesia based at Batam and one of the largest offshore construction companies in the world (PT McDermott Indonesia) requires proficient, efficient, and highly motivated individuals for the following positions Position Title: Coating & Material Engineer Qualification: 1. Coating or Material Engineering Degree from well-known University is a must. 2. Some painting experiences is preferable. Job Description: The main point as minimum to have a Junior Coating Junior: 1. The main point as minimum to have a Junior Coating Junior 2. fluently communicate in English both written and spoken 3. fully understand overall painting specification 4. prepare MTO and forecast material required for the painting based on the project schedule and priority to prevent from last minutes order or shortage material 5. prepare and cont

Lowongan Account Executive

*Account Executive (AE)* Deskripsi pekerjaan : - Melakukan tindak lanjut pekerjaan yang akan, sedang dan selesai berjalan - Melakukan pengembangan bisnis (lobbying & client maintenance) - Membuat dan melakukan presentasi, laporan, dokumenasi serta negosiasi Kualifikasi : - Wanita usia 17 - 30 tahun - Memiliki SIM A dan SIM C serta mampu mengendari mobil dan motor - Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi serta negosiasi yang lebih dari biasa - Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (lisan & tulisan) - Lebih disukai berpengalaman di bidang lobbying, negosiasi serta diplomasi - Berpenampilan cantik/menarik, mandiri dan memiliki kepercayaan diri yang tinggi - Fresh graduate diperkenankan untuk melamar Kompensasi & Benefit : - Gaji Pokok & tunjangan tetap - Uang makan, transport operasional, tunjangan kesehatan - Insentif sesuai pencapaian target - Lokasi kerja Jakarta Kirim resume; lamaran; portofolio; referensi; foto terbaru 4x6; foto kopi ijazah (sudah legalisir)/ KTP/

Urgently : Senior Maintenance Engineer - PT. Inti Platindo Perdana

Aramis Group is an international Group of companies specialized in Project Management, Engineering and Consultancy Services for the Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Energy and Process Industries. The Group is engaged in a number of business ventures throughout Asia and Middle East. For PT Inti Platindo Perdana,Aramis' subsidiary in Jakarta, we are seeking the following positions: Senior Maintenance Engineers Jakarta Raya Responsibilities: DISCIPLINES: 1.ELECTRICAL 2.INSTRUMENTATION MAIN TASKS: Candidates will need to: •Develop Preventive Maintenance (PM) Job Plans (aka Preventive Maintenance Routine or PMR) Requirements: •They must have at least 5 – 10 years' experience in Maintenance activities with the in Oil & Gas sector. •Awareness of Generic Maintenance Strategies (or Maintenance Best Practices). •RCM awareness would be an advantage. •Candidates must be fluent in both verbal and written in English. •Nationality indonesian Please send in

Magnesium/Magnesium Alloy Anode

Concern penggunaan magnesium / magnesium alloy anoda lebih kepada penggunaan pada struktur untuk steel hull vessel, itupun di ABS setahu saya untuk bulk carrier yg panjangnya > 150 m. Tanya - Yuyus Uskara Dear Milister, saya mau tanya penggunaan Magnesium dan magnesium alloy untuk sacrificial anode, apa sekarang ga boleh di pakai? atau memang ada rules/regulation yang mengatur penggunaan anode jenis ini. terima kasih sebelumnya buat pencerahannya. Tanggapan 1 - Triez trisworo99 Dear Pak Yuyus, Wah klo betul lumayan mengejutkan,pak..ada kira2 3 bulan yang lalu saya approve penggunaan magnesium alloy untuk project saya. Kalau memang info ini betul,mungkin seharusnya ada penjelasan detail. Karena hampir sebagian proyek pipanisasi onshore rata2 banyak yang menggunakan magnesium. Mohon di share klo ada rekan migas yg punya rule nya secara resmi. Klo rule baru penggunaan jenis ini saya kurang tahu,tapi untuk magnesium sacrifial anode ini biasanya saya biasanya pake NACE RP 0169 ,DNV

Konversi output trafo 3 fasa ke 1 fasa

Ada cara yang mudah untuk merubah untuk mendapatkan output 1 fasa dari hubungan 3 fasa. Nama konfigurasinya adalah Scott-T Connection Transformer. Paling gampang searching di Wikipedia untuk info lebih lanjut. Prinsipnya, Scott-T Connection ini terdiri dari 2 transformer 1 fasa. Dayanya tentunya dibentuk oleh masing2 transformer tersebut dan meskipun loadnya hanya 1 fasa, beban ke 3 fasanya boleh dikatakan hampir seimbang. Tanya - nugroho puji mn_26exp Dear milister, Mau nanya. Salah seorang teman punya problem masalah trafo. Dia punya trafo 380/220 3 fase, sementara diinginkan output trafo 120 V 1 fase. Bisakah output trafo yang 220 V 3 fase tersebut diubah menjadi 120 V 1 fase? Bagaimana caranya? Sejauh yang saya tahu, solusi gampangnya tinggal pakai "phase converter" saja. Dalam hal ini adakah kriteria tertentu dalam pemilihan phase converter tersebut? Terimakasih. Tanggapan 1 - ardi soma Klau dia punya terminal 120 dan 0, langsung saja di connect di tempat itu pak..

Vacancy : Timas - Lead Pcon Eng

Rekans, EPC lokal kita, Timas, sedang mencari banyak profesional - salah satu vacancy nya adalah Lead Project Control Engineer.     Khusus untuk Lead Pcon (min 5 tahun exp), silakan e-mail ke ibu Ami Darminingsih,   <>   Ayo join ke perusahaan lokal dan berkontribusi supaya perusahaan lokal kita bisa bertumbuh kembang :)

Loker Abu Dhabi-Refinery

Refinery Vacancies (Indonesians only) at Al Maharah Oilfield & Recruitment Services L.L.C. in Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates Posted: Apr 10, 2013 Exp: 6 - 12 yrs. | Opening(s): 1 Education: Basic - Bachelor of Technology/Engineering Nationality: Indonesian Gender: Male Industry Type: Oil & Gas / Petroleum The following vacant positions are available with our Client (a major oil company – Refinery Division) in Abu Dhabi. Candidates of : INDONESIAN nationals and available in Indonesia during MAY, 2013 for attending Recruitment Campaign only to submit their CV’s. Candidates having relevant Educational & Refinery Experience ONLY to send their CV’s. Should mention the position applied for … .. List of available vacant positions: 1. Operators 2. Shift Supervisors 3. Schedulers 4. Mechanical Engineers 5. Electrical Engineers 6. Electrical Supervisors 7. Reliability Specialists 8. Corrosion Engineers 9. Inspection Engineers 10. Process Safety Enginee

Lowongan Engineer

Mohon ijin kepada pak moderator untuk posting lowongan dari temen: Membutuhkan segera : 1. Hook Up and Commissioning Engineer (permanen) 2. Senior Process Engineer (kontrak) 3. Process Engineer (kontrak)  Minimal pengalaman 5 tahun. Kirimkan CV+Posisi (dlm pdf) beserta expected salary-nya ke

Urgently Required : Senior Maintenance Electrical and Instrument

PT INTI PLATINDO PERDANA â€" Aramis Group Aramis Group is an international Group of companies specialized in Project Management, Engineering and Consultancy Services for the Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Energy and Process Industries. The Group is engaged in a number of business ventures throughout Asia and Middle East. For PT Inti Platindo Perdana, Aramis’ subsidiary in Jakarta, we are seeking the following positions: SENIOR MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS DISCIPLINES: 1.ELECTRICAL 2.INSTRUMENTATION MAIN TASKS: Candidates will need to: - Develop Preventive Maintenance (PM) Job Plans (aka Preventive Maintenance Routine or PMR) QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE: - They must have at least 5 â€" 10 years’ experience in Maintenance activities with the in Oil & Gas sector. - Awareness of Generic Maintenance Strategies (or Maintenance Best Practices). - RCM ( Reliability Centered Maintenance ) awareness would be an advantage. - Candidates must be fluent

URGENTLY REQUIRED - PT. Inspektindo Pratama

Dear, Kami PT. Inspektindo Pratama yang bergerak di bidang consultant management and services membutuhkan Tenaga ahli Proses untuk dapat bekerjasama dengan kami untuk di tempatkan di perusahaan migas BUMN Jakarta berikut kriteria yang sedang kami cari: 1. Min. Pengalaman 6-8 th 2. Umur Max.50th 3. S1 Tekhnik Kimia 4. Memiliki pengalaman di industri migas atau petrokimia *hanya yang memenuhi kriteria diatas yang akan kami proses  untuk yang dapat memenuhi kriteria dan tertarik untuk bekerjasama dengan kami harap mengirimkan CV dan data anda ke :

Vacancy Information Management Manager for Multinational Company

KBR  is a leading global engineering, construction and services company, operates in more than 50 countries including Asia Pacific region, supporting the energy, hydrocarbon, government services and civil infrastructure sectors. KBR serves in many of the growing end-markets, particularly gas monetization and more than half of the world’s operating liquefied natural gas (LNG) production capacities over the past 30 years alone, or with join ventures partners. KBR offers a wide range of services through its Upstream, Downstream, Technology, Services, Government and Infrastructure, and Ventures business segments. To fulfill the requirements in the recently awarded Projects, the Jakarta Engineering Office seeks talented and experienced Indonesian nationals to fill the following positions :   INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - MANAGER   Requirement: ·    Bachelor Degree (Engineering) from reputable University. ·    7 + years of experience in related to Information Managem

Vacancy at BP Indonesia

Dear All, Diperlukan talenta terbaik Indonesia untuk bergabung bersama BP Indonesia untuk keahlian-keahlian  dibawah ini, 1.        Commercial Analyst 2.        Wells Development & Deployment Coordinator 3.        Intervention & Completion Supervisor 4.        Mechanical Engineer - Cat B Project 5.        Civil Engineer 6.        Mechanical Engineer - Lead 7.        Utility Engineer 8.        Process Safety Engineer 9.        Structural & Civil Lead - Cat B Project 10.    Flow Assurance Engineer 11.    Mechanical Lead (Static) - Tangguh 12.    Quality Assurance and Integrity Management Team Lead - Tangguh 13.    Quality Assurance and Integrity Engineer - Tangguh 14.    Civil Engineer - Tangguh 15.    LNG Marketing Manager (Export Sales) 16.    Project Risk Specialist 17.    Tangguh Operating Management System Team Leader 18.    Site HSSE Advisor 19.    H&S Field Safety Advisor 20.    Contracting Specialist 21.    Senior Con

Vacancy: HR Admin in Oil and Gas Services Company

One of the biggest oil and gas service company in Indonesia, Indokaya Energi is looking for  1 HR Admin Potential candidates may submit their detailed resumes and cover letter to me and cc'd Pak Arnold ( ) along with their availability, current & expected salaries.  Please see the details below: ===========================================================================================   Career Opportunities: HR Administration – Jakarta Posted  04/9/2013  -  HR  -  INDONESIA  -  Manager  -  Local Location:   Jakarta (Indokaya Energi Tubular) Department:   HR Seniority/Experience Requirement:  3 + years sales experience in HR (preference in oil and gas services) Education Requirements:  University degree in management or administration or related discipline   Purpose: We are currently seeking an experienced HR Administration to join our Indokaya Energi HR division. The position will be covered by a dynamic indivi

Vacancy: Legal Officer in Oil and Gas Services Company

One of the biggest oil and gas service company in Indonesia, Indokaya Energi is looking for  1 Legal Officer Potential candidates may submit their detailed resumes and cover letter to me and cc'd Pak Arnold ( ) along with their availability, current & expected salaries.  Please see the details below: ===========================================================================================   Career Opportunities: Legal Officer – Jakarta Posted  04/9/2013  â€“  Business Development  -  INDONESIA  -  Manager  -  Local Location:   Jakarta (Indokaya Energi Tubular) Department:   Business Development Seniority/Experience Requirement:  3 + years sales experience in Legal (preference in oil and gas services) Education Requirements:  University degree in Law or related discipline   Purpose: We are currently seeking an experienced Legal Officer to join our Indokaya Energi Business Development division. The position will

2 x Project Quality Co-ordinators - Welding & Fabrication

My client needs 2 Project Quality Coordinators. The role involves reading & interpreting contractual & drawing (welding) requirements. You will also create inspection test plans and schedule 3rd party inspections. Processing non conformances will also take place. Essential skills: -Welding & Fabrication background; -API experience; Location: Houston; Salary: $40,000 - 58,000 per year. If interested, please send an up-to-date Resume. Regards David Isaac g2 recruitment global energy inc t: +1 713 840 6357 f: +1 713 840 6407 e: w:


Another opportunity to Join GASCO , Kindly Read and Share with you colleagues GASCO is an operating Company engaged in the extraction of Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) from associated and natural gas. With a process capability of 5,500 million standard cubic feet of feed gas (MMSCFD) per day and producing 285,000 barrels of condensate, 4,500 tons of sulphur and 28,000 tons of NGL per day, GASCO is currently one of the largest gas processing companies in the world. GASCO’s industrial complex in Habshan, one of the biggest in the United Arab Emirates, is now looking for qualified staff for the following vacant positions: 1. Electrical Engineer 2. Mechanical Engineer 3. Instrument and Control Engineer 4. Electrical Technician 5. Mechanical Technician 6. Instrument Technician 7. Operator ( Check the job descriptions through this link ) if you submitting your candidacy for the Engineer positions, you should mention the followin

Job Vacancy: Deck Drilling Crew Leader (Onshore/Offshore)

PT Mega Petro Synergy (MPS) is looking for some candidates for supporting our team in some client's project. The position required is: 1. Drilling Foreman 2. Drilling Superintendent / Supervisor 3. Well Site Engineer 4. Assistant Driller 5. Driller 6. Deck Crew Chief 7. Drilling Engineer Qualification/Requirement: 1. Experience minimum 5 years in offshore/onshore, oil & gas, fabrication, construction 2. Graduated minimum Diploma or Bachelor of Engineering or Post Graduate of Technical School/Academy 3. Must hold valid certificate from relevant association 4. Understand/familiar with international standard procedure and able to provide comprehensive work report 5. Prefer having valid license for individual position due to purpose of well site/rig/deck . Forward comprehensive CV / resume with photograph & copy of relevant document via email to:

EC &I Engineer - Contract - SCOTLAND

EC&I Process Design Engineer Contract: 12 months + Start: May/June (on availability) Rate: On experience Location: Scotland My key engineering client requires an experienced EC&I design engineer on a long term contract due to increased work load. Ideally you will be from a strong nuclear background for the projects. You MUST be eligible to gain SC level Security clearance. You DO NOT have to currently have clearance at the moment. PLEASE DROP IN CV IN WORD FORMAT FOR APPLICATION Thanks Tim Tim Pereira g2 recruitment solutions t: 0117 968 9000 f: 0117 968 9001 e: w: Search for candidates or use our range of Client Services at Register your CV to be considered for unadvertised jobs or use our Candidate Services and search our comprehensive job list at

Career Opportunities: Account Receivable – Jakarta

Posted  04/9/2013  -  FINANCE  -  INDONESIA  -  Manager  -  Local Location:   Jakarta (Indokaya Energi Tubular) Department:   Finance Seniority/Experience Requirement:  3 + years sales experience in accounting (preference in oil and gas services) Education Requirements:  University degree in Accounting or related discipline   Purpose: We are currently seeking an experienced Account Receivable to join our Indokaya Energi Finance division. The position will be covered by a dynamic individual with initiative, drive and technical inclination, with the vision to lead the development of Indokaya Energi Finance division into the future.   Specific tasks of the selected candidate will include the following:   1.        Receive and verify invoices and requisitions for goods and services 2.        Verify that transactions comply with financial policies and procedures 3.        Prepare, verify, and process invoices and coding payment documents 4.        Prepare batch