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Vacancy: Legal Officer in Oil and Gas Services Company

One of the biggest oil and gas service company in Indonesia, Indokaya Energi is looking for 
1 Legal Officer
Potential candidates may submit their detailed resumes and cover letter to me and cc'd Pak Arnold ( along with their availability, current & expected salaries. 
Please see the details below:


 Career Opportunities: Legal Officer – Jakarta
Posted 04/9/2013 Ã¢€“ Business Development - INDONESIA - Manager - Local
Location:  Jakarta (Indokaya Energi Tubular)
Department:  Business Development
Seniority/Experience Requirement: 3 + years sales experience in Legal (preference in oil and gas services)
Education Requirements: University degree in Law or related discipline
We are currently seeking an experienced Legal Officer to join our Indokaya Energi Business Development division. The position will be covered by a dynamic individual with initiative, drive and technical inclination, with the vision to lead the development of Indokaya Energi Business Development division into the future.
Specific tasks of the selected candidate will include the following:
1.       Legal risk
-        Review and provide legal advice on tender documents.
-        Review ongoing cases and advice management accordingly.
-        Liaise with relevant departments to ensure that where legal risks have been identified, appropriate courses of action have been taken.
-        Provide legal protection and risk management advice to management especially on contract management.
-        Provide and interpret legal information, conduct training and disseminate appropriate legal requirements to staff.
2.       Policy development
-        Review and advise management on legal implications of internal policies and procedures.
-        Review and draft contracts, agreements and internal policies and ensure that they are in compliance with all statutory or legal requirements.
3.       Litigation management
-        Review progress of outstanding litigation and liaise with and manage external lawyers.
4.       Regulatory compliance
-        Formulate compliance check-lists to be used for the purpose of ensuring that all information required is provided accordingly.
-        Continuously monitor compliance with statutory obligations and advise management accordingly.
-        Prepare monthly and quarterly reports for the department for executive management meetings.
Additional responsibilities:
1.       Contract negotiation
-        Review all contracts or any other documentation where the Company has committed itself and assess legal implications that need to be brought to the executive management’s attention.
-        Prepare, review and modify contractual instruments to assist and support various business activities.
-        Negotiate, review and draft documentation for business transactions and prepare and advise on the necessary checklist to be adopted to ensure information is submitted on time.
2.       Administrative duties
-        Provide continuous leadership, supervision, training and development of department staff ensuring an effective and motivated team.
-        Liaise with the HR department in conducting performance appraisals and ensure competency and training gaps are addressed.
Experience we are looking for:
Minimum of 3-years Legal experience (prefer directly related to oil and gas services)
University degree in Law or related discipline
Have a strong computer skills including Microsoft Office Suite.
In-depth knowledge of regulatory law
Knowledge of the legal aspects of capital markets
Proven ability to delicately solve sensitive matters.
Excellent relationship management and communication skills necessary for interaction with the Customer and Government, the Judicial system and negotiating parties 
About Indokaya Energi
Indokaya Energi is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of seamless steel and welded pipe products and associated services to oil and gas, energy and mechanical industries, with production, distribution and service capabilities in key markets worldwide. More information on Indokaya Energi can be found at
Belladonna Maulianda
PhD Candidate
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering - Completion Specialization
University of Calgary - CCIT 364
Phone: +1 (403) 7086875


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