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Urgently Needed - Tank Supervisor

Dear All,
A world leading and experienced EPCC contractor providing total solutions to meet the demands of its clients in the areas of Power Plant and Geothermal Projects, is looking for suitable qualified employees who is rightly motivated and who seeks challenging and exciting career to fill the following positions in Antam, Pomala, Sulawesi for the following position;
Tank Construction supervisor urgently required to supervise the construction of Geothermal or Power Plant Projects. This opportunity will provide good benefit and competitive salary in USD.
As a Construction Supervisor you will be required to manage and deliver the construction of a connection associated with pipeline, tank construction etc. This Geothermal or Power Plant project is looking for an experienced construction supervisor who has worked on bulk liquid, tank construction and who is extremely knowledgeable in API standards.
Responsibilities and duties;
  • Assist in the implementation of all aspects of the Project Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems.
  • Ensuring that the contractor is carrying out all work which will enable the contractor’s schedule and milestone deliveries to be accomplished.
  • Ensure preparation of reports on progress of the work and general site issues.
  • Assessment of the site content of claims made by contractors.
  • Ensure construction performed to designs
  • Participate in assembling the draft commissioning plan and operating procedure.
You must also demonstrate experience in the following:
  • At least 5 years oil and gas experience.
  • Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
  • Extensive knowledge in civil, mechanical and electrical processes.
  • Experience in storage and handling of fuel.
  • Extensive knowledge of oil and gas industry engineering and construction work.
  • Must possess in-depth knowledge of petroleum storage and handling construction work and safety requirements.
  • Experienced in Bulk storage tanks, Hot Oil Systems, Pipelines etc.
  • Overseas work experienced is preferred but not mandatory.
  • Posses key skills such as Flexibility, Team Work, Problem Solving and Good Communication
All applications will be held in strictest of confidence.
Interested candidates are invited to send e-mail their resume giving full personal details, educational qualification, working experience, present and expected salary, together with recent passport size photograph and indicate the position applied for.
Interested candidates are invited to send e-mail their resume giving full personal details, educational qualification, working experience, present and expected salary, together with recent passport size photograph and indicate the position applied for. Please fill the form to apply the position above at,

or send your CV to :
We apologize that only shortlisted candidate will be notified.
Thank you.


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