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As one of the major gas transportation company in Oman, Oman Gas Company S.A.O.C. (OGC) delivers natural gas fueling the economic sectors in the country, such as power plants and industries. The Company is involved in the transmission and distribution of natural gas, through a large network of gas pipelines and associated facilities.. For more information, please visit
Now, the company is looking for high talented and qualified candidates to fill the following senior/management positions:
  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering discipline. (preferably in Mechanical Engineering).
  • At least 10 years of experience in the construction management of Oil and Gas facilities.
  • Good knowledge of Engineering Design of Oil & Gas pipelines and stations.
  • Knowledge of management of Consultancy and EPC Contracts.
  • Working Knowledge of MS Office Software.
  • Strong understanding & appreciation of other cultures & cross-cultural integration in multifaceted environment.
  • Highly developed language skills in written & spoken Arabic & English.
  • Degree in Electrical profession and Assessor Certificate from a proven training institute is a must.
  • At least 10 years of working experience of Electrical activities in the Oil & Gas industry with a minimum of 5 years of experience in training related activities.
  • Proven ability in application of assessment and OJT processes.
  • Excellent interpersonal, leadership and supervisory skills.
  • An energetic and motivating approach to work.
  • Fluent written and spoken English is essential.
  • Should also have good presentation and communication skills, an appreciation of cultural diversity, and a focus on continuous learning and improvement.
  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering Discipline.
  • At least 10 years of experience in upstream Oil and Gas Business, Projects, Electrical and Power Engineering.
  • Experience in project management and leadership of electrical engineering.
  • Degree in Mechanics profession and Assessor Certificate from a proven training institute is a must.
  • At least 10 years of working experience of Mechanics activities in the Oil & Gas industry with a minimum of 5 years of experience in training related activities.
  • Proven ability in application of assessment and OJT processes.
  • Excellent interpersonal, leadership and supervisory skills.
  • An energetic and motivating approach to work.
  • Fluent written and spoken English is essential.
  • Should also have good presentation and communication skills, an appreciation of cultural diversity, and a focus on continuous learning and improvement.
  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering discipline or equivalent with exposure to contracts management.
  • At least 8 years of experience in contracts function.
  • Knowledge of construction and EPC contracts and all aspects related to valuation of variations.
  • Familiarity with international tendering procedures and contract documentation.
  • Bachelor Degree in Material, Corrosion or Mechanical Engineering.
  • At least 8 years hands-on experience in the inspection of pressure equipment in oil & gas industry.
  • Fully knowledgeable on types of pressure equipment as well as design, maintenance & operability requirement.
  • Skills in inspection methodologies, techniques & general work processes.
  • Hand-on experience with NDT technique eg RT, MT, PT, UT
  • Skills in Risk Based Inspection – principle & implementation
  • Skills in fitness for service assessment as well as integrity and repair assessment.
  • Skills in material degradation – types, main causes, mitigations
  • Knowledge on coating types and suitable environments.
  • Fully conversant with international codes related to inspection of pressure retaining equipment, material, corrosion eg API 510, API570, API571, API579, API581, NACE, ASME. Certification to these standards is preferred.
  • Able to develop and review procedures.
  • Strong understanding & appreciation of other cultures & cross-cultural integration in multifaceted environment.
  • Skills in English language (written & spoken) as well as computer usage.
  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering discipline. (Preferably Mechanical Engineering).
  • At least 8 years of experience in Gas Transportation System, Engineering Design and Contract Management.
  • Previous work experience in Pipeline Concept, Basic and detail engineering. Management of EPC Contract throughout project execution phases.
  • Previous work experience in pipeline brown field projects, involving intervention in live systems such as hot tap.
  • Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent degree (Metallurgy, Chemical, Corrosion..)
  • Professional certification of higher level (level-2 and above) from reputed International bodies (e.g., NACE, ASNT, etc).
  • Minimum 8 years’ experience in oil & gas industry in Pipeline Integrity Management including ILI assessment.
  • Good knowledge on international standards; e.g. ASME31.8, ASME31.8s, API-579, DNV RP F-101, API 1163, NACE 102, POF, etc).
  • Excellent technical English skills - writing and speaking and knowledge of site HSE management are must. Additionally Arabic language skills and valid Omani driving license will be preferable.
  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering discipline. (Preferably Mechanical Engineering).
  • At least 8 years of experience in Risk & Reliability Management with good hands-on on RBI, RCM, & IPF.
  • Coaching of operations and maintenance personnel in the field of reliability and process optimization.
  • Conducts an analysis of reliability problems and investigates to determining the reliability required for the particular situation considering the cost limitations for equipment up/down time, repair/replacement costs, size, and availability of materials/equipment.
  • Skills in English language (written & spoken) as well as computer usage.
  • Degree in Engineering profession and Assessor Certificate from a proven training institute is a must.
  • At least 10 years of working experience of gas operation activities in the Oil & Gas industry with a minimum of 5 years of experience in training related activities.
  • Proven ability in application of assessment and OJT processes.
  • Excellent interpersonal, leadership and supervisory skills.
  • An energetic and motivating approach to work.
  • Fluent written and spoken English is essential.
  • Should also have good presentation and communication skills, an appreciation of cultural diversity, and a focus on continuous learning and improvement.
How to Apply?:
If you are qualified candidates and interested to fill one of above positions, please apply online by filling application form provided on this link: The candidates from Southern East countries in Asia, and Eastern Europe countries are welcome to apply. all position based on 5/2 working days - Saturday to Wednesday.
Please do NOT submit any files exceeding 300 KB
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