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GASCO vacancy for Instrument technician

Tanggal Posting : 3 September 2012

GASCO is an operating Company engaged in the extraction of Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) from associated and natural gas.

With a process capability of 5,500 million standard cubic feet of feed gas (MMSCFD) per day and producing 285,000 barrels of condensate, 4,500 tons of sulphur and 28,000 tons of NGL per day, GASCO is currently one of the largest gas processing companies in the world.

GASCO’s industrial complex, one of the biggest in the United Arab Emirates, is now looking for qualified staff for the following vacant position:

Instrument Technician
Instrument Technician reports to the Instrument & Control Engineer.
Responsibilities include working with Digital Governor Controls, PLC systems, Microprocessor controls and various conventional pneumatic & electronic Instruments, all of which require the ability to read & understanding engineering drawings such as P & IDs, loop drawing, ladder logic and block & functional diagrams.
• To perform preventive, corrective and diagnostic maintenance on the process control systems and control loops.
• To remove, dismantle, overhaul/repair and install electric, pneumatic, electronic or hydraulic control system such as control valves and actuators, recorders, measuring and recording instruments in the field or in the workshop.
• To perform preventive and emergency maintenance on all equipment on site, as well as during machine scheduled or unscheduled shutdowns.
• To perform modification of control circuits and/or control loops as per the plant change requests and update all related plant drawings to reflect the actual changes.
• To assist other sections such as electrical, mechanical and workshop in the repair and troubleshooting of their instrument and electronic related systems and test equipment.
• To perform upgrade and retrofitting of new control instruments to the existing panels in the field and main control room.
• To comply with all company Health, Safety and Environment as well as Work Permit, policies and procedures.
• To input data into the MAXIMO maintenance system, such as work order activities, materials and spares, failure reports and manpower statistics.
• To perform regular calibration and maintenance of all safety, fire and gas equipment such as gas monitors, H2S monitors, smoke detectors and heat detectors to conform to #6.
• To troubleshoot, repair, calibrate and test various types of process control instruments and relay logic, which include pneumatic, electrical and electronic instruments.

• HCT D./ATI/ Equivalent in Tech. or Related
• 4 Years Experience in the same field

Campaign will be held tentatively in November 2012,
Attractive Salary will be offered, End of Service Benefits & other allowances.

If you are a qualified candidate and interested to apply one of the above position, please submit your CV by visiting this link for online application:


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