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Lowongan Wellhead Supervisor dan Senior Operator

A STATE OWNED DRILLING COMPANY, subsidiary of ADNOC, currently having several
vacant position for its drilling team.

Current Vacant Position:



Have a wide experience in operating on sour wells( exceeding 40% H2S) and
the safety precautions involving these operations
Have to deal with a HPHT wells(exceeding9000 psi), high production wells
(exceeding 100 MMscf/d) and the safety precautions involving these operations.
Have a wide experience working on exploration wells in coordination with
other services companies operating at the same time.
Have the ability to operate and carry out proper maintenance for the
following equipment.
2160 psi & 1440 psi & 720 psi test separators
15k & 10k Choke manifold & ER/ MFD.
Heat exchanger & Indirect heaters.
steam generator
ESD panel & ESD valves.
Acid neutralization unit & H2S sweetening unit.
Re – injection pump & multistage pumps & Ram Pump.
Air compressors & generators.
Green head burner, burner booms 60ft/90ft & flare stacks.
Ranarex & dead weight tester.
Data Acquisition System.
Responsible for more than person's work on well site and full accommodations
Coordinate more than one Service Company at well site intervention


Minimum 6 year working onshore and offshore rigs, barges and testing
vessels, EPF projects and have the ability to operate offshore platforms.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: of engineering & science are preferred.

The physical ability to immediately respond to emergency situation.


Supervise and perform mobilization and demobilization of equipment and personnel
to and from location; spot equipment correctly for job; rig up and function test
equipment; supervise operation of equipment and meet clients requirements;
service and maintain equipment post job; generate well test report; participate
in workshop activities for fabricating, servicing and repairing equipment;
attend operational planning meetings with client.


Select appropriate equipment, organize crews and arrange accommodations (if
required) with the Well Test Coordinator.
Ensure that all required crew members are available and properly equipped
with all required personal protective equipment (PPE) and clothing (steel toed
work boots, FR (Fire Retardant) coveralls, hard hat, safety glasses, gloves and
hearing protection).(Appropriate clothing for weather conditions.
Ensure that the job package is equipped with all required tools and spare
Supervise and/or perform installation, operation and maintenance of
Minimally supervised involvement in the fabrication, repairs, rebuilding and
maintenance of equipment. Not to include welding or major engine repairs.
Utilization and communication of knowledge gained in trouble shooting and
field repairs of equipment.
Selection, inspection, calibration and installation of equipment.
Communicate regularly with customer rep. and Well Test Coordinator regarding
job program and operational parameters.
Submit all required safety reports to the Well Test Coordinator and company
Ensure completion of daily operational and maintenance forms.
Complete daily tickets as required.
Ensure accurate data collection is maintained and documented.
Report all incidents and accidents to the appropriate Al Mansoori manager
and company rep.
Perform all work in accordance to standard operating procedures (SOP) and
ensure compliance to government, industry and company laws, regulations and
Attend and actively participate in all required safety meetings.
Participate fully in all required HSEQ training – (Employee Development
System Learning Plan).
Available on 24 hour call, and prepared for work when on call.
Assist in logistics associated with execution of job.
Assist in training of Trainees and Well Test Assistants.

Conduct regular observations of all crew members ensuring that:

Safe operating procedures are followed.
All equipment is being operated in accordance to job specifications,
applicable regulations and with COMPANY policy.
Report potential problems to Well Test Coordinator
Train and/or cross train in all Well Testing equipment and services.
Support of and communication with all field employees, Supervisors, Managers
and Customers.
Responsible for preparation and submission of all required documentation and
billing information on field jobs, manual or computerized.


Broad knowledge of well testing equipment and related services.
Good verbal and written communication skills
should be able to work closely with team members and peer groups.
General computer skills
should possess minimum 3+ years of well testing oilfield experience
should possess basic supervisory skills

Essential - Bachelor Degree Qualifications.
Preferred - Engineering Degree.


Other position and not related background will be ignored or considered as spam


Permanent Contract (all employees have a permanent employment contract).
Attractive Salary and Benefit.
Rotating Schedule with return air ticket to/from Indonesia (annual leave for
junior positions).


Send your CV to ndc at lansima dot com

Vacant Position only valid for Indonesian

E-mail exceeding 300kb will be ignore

only shortlisted candidates will be notified.


  1. I think the production also needs some portable flare stacks to make it more productive and fast. In some way, it'll help the company to double their supplies.


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