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Job Opportunity

Energy Resourcing is a progressive provider of professional services to the global resources sector, specialising in recruitment (executive search and targeted campaigns); contracting management services (contracts; pre employment checks and immigration) and corporate intelligence (generic and bespoke benchmarking; workforce planning; surveys and technical publications).

Our client is mainly involved in Engineering, Procurement, Installation, Construction and Commissioning serving regional offshores & onshores operators primarily involved in steel structure, process, piping, mechanical, electrical & Instrumentation for offshore well head platforms and structure fabrication. 

Various positions to be filled, based in Singapore. 

Structural Draftsman
-Proficient using AutoCad Software to make shop drawings
-Understand contents in Structural, Mechanical, Piping and P&ID Drawings
-Diploma in Structural Engineering / NTC in Drafting
-Minimum 2 years experience
-Preferably in Oil & Gas Industry

Senior Engineer (Rotating / Package), Equipment Group
-FEED, Detail Engineer, EPC or EPCm projects
-Handle all mechanical data sheets
-Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering
-8 to 12 Years in Oil & Gas, Petrochemical and Industrial plants.Consistent career experience in the engineering department

Mechanical Engineer- Rotaitng and Package Equipment
-Handling Rotating such as pumps, fans, compressors, etc
-Handling package equipment boilers, furnaces, etc
-EPC nature experience
-3 to 10 years Experience
-Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineer- Static Equipment
-Handling static equipment such as pressure vessels, heat exchangers, tanks, etc
-3 to 10 years experience
-Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering

Senior Piping Design Engineer
-Basic knowledge of AutoCad/CAD pipe and Microstation 2D
-3D Model review through Naviswork / SPR
-Bachelor Degree preferably in Mechanical Engineering or 10 years of related experience
- Minimum 8 years in the field of piping design involving detailed design, stress evaluation, production work, 3D model review, and construction engineering support, 3 years of which in a supervisory capacity.

Piping Engineer
-Able to use AutoCad/ Cad pipe and Microstation 2D CAD
-Naviswork or SPR
-Bachelor degree in Mechanical / Chemical Engineering
-3-4 years of experience in Piping Engineering design involving preparation of piping layout, piping plan drawings and ISO Sketches, 3D Model review, piping material take off, and construction enginering support

PDMS Designer (Structural)
-3 years experience in Structural Drafting, offshore structures using PDMS
-Must have PDMS/PDS. AutoCAD, Microstation experience
-Candidate must have design experience, FPSO, platform & offshore Oil and Gas Projects experience.

PDMS Designer (Instrument)
-Prepare all instrument drawings (cable routing, instrument layout and etc)
-5 Years design experience in offshore Oil & Gas Industrial projects
-3 years hands on on 3D PDMS
-AutoCAD & Intools (SPI)

PDMS Designer (Electrical)
-Prepare electrical drawings based in project specifications
-Input of design drawings to PDMS
-5 Years design experience in offshore Oil & Gas industrial projects
-3 years hands o on experience in 3D PDMS
-MDS administrtion, AutoCAD Suite and Naviswork

Structural Engineer
-Experience in Civil/ Structural
-5 to 10 years experience in Structural Engineering/management, topisde multidiscipline design & construction
-Industry Codes & standards
- Candidate must have offshore, platform, review design & drawings and subsea lines experience

Engineer (Electrical)
-SLD and layout drawings
-Prepare technical specifications
-Technical Bid Analysis
-5 years in Electrical design, construction in Oil & Gas, Petrochemical / Chemical industry
-EDSA, SKM power tool, ACAEDOS

Electrical Engineer (Smart Plant)
-Detailed engineering usage and smartplant electrical
-Single line / Schematic Diagram
-5 years working experience in Electrical / detailed engineering
-2 yrs hands on experience in Smartplant
-SPEI symbols and IEC Standards

Engineer / Senior Engineer (Piping)
-Develop, review & maintain all engineering standards
-10 years experience in piping design engineering in Oil & Gas, topside design with offshore platforms and SPAR topside facility
-MS Office and PDMS
-Preparation of design & drafting activities for FPSO, EPC and LQ projects.

Candidates who wish to apply for the above positions may send their CV to Naziha Ahmad at
LinkedIn website

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Our mailing address is:
Energy Resourcing Singapore Pte Ltd
350 Orchard Road
Shaw House
Singapore 238868


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