I am taking this opportunity to give you heads up on Wireline Engineer job opportunities. My client has entrusted me with 70 job opportunities across various positions from senior/field engineer, service supervisors, coordinators, business development managers, etc. All these positions are in East Africa and Angola.
The first round of interviews will take place from the week commencing 22nd July, therefore please confirm your interest as soon as possible. These are very urgent requirements and interviews can be arranged as early as next week.
The interviews are only one stage telephone interviews and decisions will be made within a week. However I do need you to answer the questions attached as I will be sending the form to my client with your CV.
Please forward my email to every WIRELINE ENGINEER you know and ask them to forward their CVs to me with immediate effect.
Also, please write on the email subject line how many years of experience in Wireline you currently have.
I look forward to your swift reply.
Stephen Midega
Progressive Global Energy & Natural Resources
Phone: +44 (0) 207 469 5200
Email: s.midega@progressiverecruitment.com
Buku ini adalah kumpulan kisah pengalaman seorang pekerja lapangan di bidang Migas Ditujukan untuk kawan-kawan para pekerja lapangan dan para sarjana teknik yang baru bertugas sebagai Insinyur Proses di lapangan. Pengantar Penulis Saya masih teringat ketika lulus dari jurusan Teknik Kimia dan langsung berhadapan dengan dunia nyata (pabrik minyak dan gas) dan tergagap-gagap dalam menghadapi problem di lapangan yang menuntut persyaratan dari seorang insinyur proses dalam memahami suatu permasalahan dengan cepat, dan terkadang butuh kecerdikan – yang sanggup menjembatani antara teori pendidikan tinggi dan dunia nyata (=dunia kerja). Semakin lama bekerja di front line operation – dalam hal troubleshooting – semakin memperkaya kita dalam memahami permasalahan-permasalahan proses berikutnya. Menurut hemat saya, masalah-masalah troubleshooting proses di lapangan seringkali adalah masalah yang sederhana, namun terkadang menjadi ruwet karena tidak tahu harus dari mana memulainya. Hal tersebut
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