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Vacancy at Tripatra

TRIPATRA ( is reputable company in energy sector, has been operating in Indonesia almost 40 years. Since its establishment in 1973 Tripatra has consistently offered best solutions in energy industry. Our key strength is delivering high quality services in Engineering, EPC, O&M, and project management services to assist world-wide clients in various sectors: Oil & Gas, Downstream & Petrochemical, Mining, and Infrastructure. Tripatra has strong, committed, and professional management team, fully supported by multidiscipline engineering workforce with high caliber national and multinational expertise. If you would like to have bright future in Engineering sectors, then we offers you some of positions with following disciplines & qualifications : Piping Material Engineer   Min University degree majoring in Mechanical Engineering with min 7 years experience total with at least 3 years experience in design and engineering for oil & gas projects (upstream and downstream) Brief Qualification : 1. Have experience in the wall thickness calculation, piping material class, data sheet, RFQ & TBA 2. Have a proven ability to perform MTO, material substitusion, 3. Have  an  excellent  knowledge  of  current  internationally  recognized  Codes  and Standards 4. Have ability in quality management and schedule, manpower planning and man-hour control of the Piping engineering work 5. Able to perform interface, branch connection, P&ID review 6. Experience in offshore project.   Piping Stress Engineer   Min University degree majoring in Mechanical Engineering with min 7 years experience total with at least 3 years experience in design and engineering for oil & gas projects (upstream and downstream) Brief Qualification : 1. Have experience in the critical line list, calculation , specification  and piping stress report 2. Have a proven ability to perform Piping equipment engineering include design, study and calculation in Piping System with a high level of quality 3. Have  an  excellent  knowledge  of  current  internationally  recognized  Codes  and Standards 4. Have ability in quality management and schedule, manpower planning and man-hour control of the Piping engineering work 5. Able to perform interface and piping info 6. Experience in offshore project.   Piping Designer   Minimum Technical High School (STM) or Senior High School plus drafting course / training with AutoCAD / Microstation proficiency Brief Qualification : 1. Have min. 7 years experience as Drafter/Designer in  engineering or EPC for oil & gas projects (upstream and downstream) 2. Able to use and operate 3D  program (PDMS or PDS or SP3D) 3. Have experience in simple Piping Design : Under Ground, Utility station, Around pump & vessel & STHE 4. Have good proficiency in using computer and office applications 5. Have basic written and spoken in English 6. Have experience in taking MTO from engineering drawings 7. Have experiences to draft complex drawing from sketches 8. Experience in offshore project.                                                                                       Mechanical/Rotating Equipment Engineer Qualification : 1. Job Purpose: Coordinate mechanical/rotating equipment engineering activities of the project to ensure the technical objectives are met within the approved scope, budget and schedule. 2 Operating Environment, Framework and Boundaries: • Works effectively and safely within established policies and procedures, and participates in the further development of these to meet changing needs. • Works on large capital expenditure projects in a highly dynamic team environment that has tight-deadlines, high pressure and visibility, requiring accuracy, initiative and the ability to multi-task as essential skills. 3. Problem Solving/Complexity: • Utilizes a systematic approach to problem solving that ensures accuracy, timeliness and quality of documentation in resolution. • Able to work moderately complex tasks to completion within time constrains of project, with minimal guidance from more experienced staff. • Participates in the resolution of problems in more demanding and less familiar situations using precedent and own acquired knowledge. 3. Decision Making Authority and Responsibility: • Able to work within a defined role with limited supervision. • Able to make decisions and solve problems related to a specific discipline/field.   • Responsible for own work product with minimal guidance and oversight from immediate supervisor. • Establishes credibility with peers and supervisors and makes good use of their time. • Exercises judgment in making decisions; knows when to seek advice. 4. Knowledge Skills and Experience: • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. • Good written and verbal English language skills. • Good technical team skills. • Minimum of Seven (7) years experience primarily in mechanical and rotating equipment. Please send your complete application letter, certificates, CV, recent photograph, and put job title name as the email subject  to : Cc to :      


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