Dear Sir,
Kindly be advised that we will be having a campaign for the following position for one of our major client in UAE & ADNOC Subsidiaries.
Power Operator
Fire & Gas Engineer
Mechanical Planner
Rotating Equipment Technician
PH Team Leader
Day Operations Engineer
Ph Supervisor
Shipping Assistant
Quality Engineer
Senior Project Engineer
Civil Engineer
Senior Inspection Engineer
Senior Operations Engineer – Utilities
Senior Operations Engineer – Urea
Urea Operator
Sr. Planning Engineer (Maintenance)
Please advise if you are interested; if so, kindly send us you’re updated/detailed CV (word format) to enable us to proceed with the submission. Also, please make sure that you will be available to attend Face to Face interview if in case you will be selected.
Kindly fill up the below information as it is a compulsory requirement in submitting your CV.
Name as per your Passport
Passport Number
Country of Birth
Current Address
Permanent Address
Marital Status
Number of Children
Educational Qualification
Date of Birth
Current Location
Contact Number
Current Company
Total Years of Experience
Years of Experience in Oil & Gas
Notice Period
Moreover, we would highly appreciate if you could refer this email to all your Friends/colleagues and former colleagues who might be interested. Thank you so much and hope to hear from you and your friends/colleagues soon.
Best Regards,
Jammie Rose Manuzon
Recruitment Officer
International Development Company Manpower Supply (IDCMPS)
P.O. Box 2621 Abu Dhabi U.A.E.
Tel. No. : +97126222444
Direct Line: +97126324422
Fax No. : +9712 6324421
Please visit our website or to get a list of our new vacancies and kindly upload your CV
Please note that my email address has been change to
And we have additional telephone number +97126324422 and fax number +97126324421
Buku ini adalah kumpulan kisah pengalaman seorang pekerja lapangan di bidang Migas Ditujukan untuk kawan-kawan para pekerja lapangan dan para sarjana teknik yang baru bertugas sebagai Insinyur Proses di lapangan. Pengantar Penulis Saya masih teringat ketika lulus dari jurusan Teknik Kimia dan langsung berhadapan dengan dunia nyata (pabrik minyak dan gas) dan tergagap-gagap dalam menghadapi problem di lapangan yang menuntut persyaratan dari seorang insinyur proses dalam memahami suatu permasalahan dengan cepat, dan terkadang butuh kecerdikan – yang sanggup menjembatani antara teori pendidikan tinggi dan dunia nyata (=dunia kerja). Semakin lama bekerja di front line operation – dalam hal troubleshooting – semakin memperkaya kita dalam memahami permasalahan-permasalahan proses berikutnya. Menurut hemat saya, masalah-masalah troubleshooting proses di lapangan seringkali adalah masalah yang sederhana, namun terkadang menjadi ruwet karena tidak tahu harus dari mana memulainya. Hal tersebut
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