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Job Vacancy - TRIPATRA

TRIPATRA ( is reputable company in energy sector, has been operating in Indonesia for more than 39 years.
If you would like to have bright future in Engineering sectors, then we offers you some of positions with following disciplines & qualifications :
1.    1. Sr. Planning Engineer
Main Responsibiliities
Responsible for all portfolio / project planning and scheduling services aspect of the work including but not limited to development
of portfolio / project baseline plan & schedules and work / engineering deliverables breakdown system.
Key Activites :
• Ensure all planning and scheduling services activities comply with Company technical requirements, Company HSE and
quality standards, specifications, Indonesia Government regulation related with oil and gas facilities and that design
contractors comply with all contractual requirements
• Ensure that timely and accurate communication occurs at discipline interfaces
• Development of Portfolio’s / Project’s baseline plan and overall project PIS schedule
• Development of Portfolio’s Project’s Work / Deliverables Breakdown System
• If required by Company, perform Scheduling Risk Assessment
• Assist all personnel in all aspects of the planning and scheduling throughout the contract / project
Key Qualification :
• University degree in Engineering, with at least 8 years of facilities design and implementation experience of which a minimum
of 5 years is oil and gas facilities design experience
• Broad knowledge of various project planning, scheduling, estimating and controlling techniques
• Preferably certified and/or chartered as project management and/or cost engineering
• Preferably have previous exposure to oil and gas production/operation/fabrication/construction
• Proficient with common planning/scheduling/estimating/project control software
• Good verbal and written English communication skills
• Good interpersonal skills, with the ability to forge productive working relationships with all personnel
2.  Cost Engineer

Main Responsibilities :
Responsible for all cost estimating services aspect of the work.
Key Activites:
• Development of Portfolio’s / Project’s Cost Estimating Report
• Review of various disciplines MTOs, RFQs and TBEs
• If required by Company, perform Cost Estimating Sensitivity Analysis
• If required by Company, assist development of Project’s Procurement & Contracting Plan
• Assist all personnel in all aspects of the cost estimating throughout the contract / project
Key Qualification:
• University degree in Engineering, with at least 5 years of facilities design and implementation experience of which a minimum
of 2 years is oil and gas facilities design experience
• Sufficient knowledge of various project planning, scheduling, estimating and controlling techniques
• Preferably have previous exposure to oil and gas production/operation/fabrication/construction
• Familiar with common planning/scheduling/estimating/project control software
• Good verbal and written English communication skills
• Good interpersonal skills, with the ability to forge productive working relationships with all personnel
3.Pre-Commissioning & Commissioning Lead

Key Qualification:
1. Experience in minimum two projects of O&G as Pre-commissioning & Commissioning Lead/ Manager
2. Having capability to develop Pre-commissioning & Commissioning procedure
3. Having capability to lead a team
4. Willingness to work in remote location during Pre-commissioning & Commissioning of the project period
5. Willingness to work target driven atmosphere and under pressure
6. Prefer Chemical/ Mechanical Engineering educational background

4. Formalities Officer

Key Qualification:
1.    1.Generally handle formalities project and/personnel project with government or non government institution
2.    2. Back ground Sarjana Hukum
3.    3. Experience 3 – 4 years at the same field
4.    4. Willing to work at Luwuk - Sulawesi (prefer local )
5.Community Affair

Key Qualification:
1. Background discipline: any (prefer from Legal)
2. Experience 10 years at the same field
3. Work area at Luwuk (prefer from local)
Please send your complete application letter, certificates, CV, recent photograph, and put job title name as the email subject (not more than 500 KB) to
 Only short listed Candidates will be contacted


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