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Job vacancy (at Batam): Team of Module Fabrication

Job Vacancy at Batam: Team of Module Fabrication.

Our client providing services in engineering, procurement, construction,
transportation, installation & commissioning, based at Batam, with business core
at offshore platforms, modules, jackets & FPSOs. We are seeking qualified, high
integrity & energetic person to fulfill the following positions:

1). Lead Electrical Superintendent
- It is a must to have valid Electrical License endorsed by local government.
- Having recognized degree in an engineering or scientific discipline or
equivalent field experience.
- Having these following AS/NZ 4761 competencies: Install explosion protected
equipment & wiring systems, Test Installation in Hazardous Areas, Conduct close
inspection of existing hazardous area installations, Conduct detailed inspection
of hazardous area installations, Mixed Explosion Protections Techniques
- All compentencies above must be certified (copy of certificate should be
attached at email)
- Willing to work in shift pattern

2). Structural Superintendent
- Strong supervision experience in the erection of structural steel.
- Expertise in structural steel installations.
- Having experience in erection, alignment & fit up of structure steel
- Display effective communications skills crucial to motivating team members &
presenting plans in a clear & concise manner.
- Willing to work in shift pattern

3). Welding Engineer
- S1 degree or diploma in any engineering discipline, at least 3 years
- Must be familiar with AWS code DI.1 ASME B31.3, ASME Section IX etc. & process
the experience in various material high tensile steel, duplex & Mc Steel, nickel
alloys arid have hands on experience on welding technique & equipment.
- It is a must to have Welding Certificate and attached at the resume/email.
- Willing to work in shift pattern

3). Piping & Mechanical Testing Supervisor
- Having strong technical knowledge in Pipe hydro testing & pneumatic pipe
testing & on an LNG facility, including disassembly & reinstatement of pipe
- Experience with Torque & tensioning methods of flanged connection.
- Having good knowledge of engineering, construction methods & processes
customarily acquired over time through specialized instruction or practical

4). Rigging Engineer
- Familiar with relevant AS code & standard of Safe Work Practice governing lift
operations, safe use of lift appliances & rigging training.
- Having basic CAD drafting ability & familiar with basic knowledge of lifting
equipment, rigging equipment, transport/transfer equipment & engineering, soil
mechanics, reinforced concrete, structural steel design.

5). Scaffolding Supervisor or Superintendent
- Having experiences on supervising & managing a number of craft supervisors to
achieve tight construction milestones.
- Able to prepare reports & forecasts, including summary of construction
progress, craft personnel forecasts & expenditures forecast.
- Strong experience of liaising with & coordinating contractors & vendors.

6). Turnover Engineer
- Having experience in Turnover or related discipline & must be able to perform
field inspections, climb ladders & scaffolding, work on elevated platforms, on
uneven surfaces & in confined spaces.
- Having working knowledge of construction engineering practices & inspection
- Having advanced coordination, communication skills & having experience in
interpretation of P&IDs.
- Posses strong skill in coordinating walks down, prepare documentation for
walk downs (scoped P&IDs, work list, FCD, test documents, etc)

7). Piping Superintendent
- Having strong direct hire supervision experience including the ability to lead
& manage change.
- Having strong technical knowledge in the installation, fit up and welding of
large & small bore carbon steel, alloy pipe & vacuum jacket pipe.
- Good experience & board knowledge in the installation of pipe supports,
guides, spring hangers & spring supports.
- Understand & experience in modularized piping installations & construction
methodologies on large green field's industrial facilities.
- Having good leadership skill & excellent problem solving ability

8). Environmental Compliance Lead
- Familiar with environment, herbicide/insecticide, biosecurity, waste programs
& craft supervision.
- Able to establish & operate bio security compliance program & having good
leadership skill

9). ITP Piping Inspector
- Degree in Engineering or other construction related field
- Having at least 8 years of progressive construction & technical experience
- Able to understand & read complex design &fabrication plans & specifications.
- Must be able to climb ladders, scaffolds & work on elevated & uneven platforms
- Having strong skill to monitor, review & perform in progress piping inspection
to ensure full compliance with the design drawing, applicable codes, project
specifications & ITPs.
- Must be able to read red-line & As-Built drawings

10). ITP E & I Inspector
- Degree in Engineering or other construction related field
- Having at least 8 years of progressive construction & technical experience
- Able to understand & read complex design & fabrication plans & specifications.
- Must be able to climb ladders, scaffolds & work on elevated & uneven platforms
- Having strong skill to monitor, review & perform in progress E & I inspection
to ensure full compliance with the design drawing, applicable codes, project
specifications & ITPs.
- Must be able to read red-line & As-Built drawings

General Requirements:
- Bilingual in English & Indonesian.
- Proficiency MS Office Application.
- Familiarity with Australian codes (AZ/NZS), IEC & Mod Yard experience
- Knowledge of Australian Quarantine Inspection procedures is an advantage.

Interested candidates are required to include:
- full resume
- relevant certificate
- recent photograph
- contact number
- email address
- expected salary

& to forward those required document to email addresses below:


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