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Logging Supervisor Vacancy - Abu Dhabi

Dear rekan-rekan Migas,

Berikut info lowongan Logging Supervisor di Divisi tempat saya bekerja, klik link dibawah ini:
Info lowongan ini sudah sejak 4 bulan lalu, tapi posisi ini masih lowong hingga skrg. 

Muhammad Walfajri

Job Code JOB000172
Job Title Logging Supervisor
Division PED
*  Secondary education certificate followed by 3 years full-time training leading to a technical diploma.
*  Good knowledge of English Language.
Work Experience *  5-6 years experience in logging activities of which at least 3 years in offshore supervisor capacity with knowledge of PC operation.
Required Skills *  Supervises all logging operations on site, ensure well/ tower is rendered to original condition prior to leaving the location.
*  Checks the draft copy of the log against the agreed programme to ensure proper completion of logging jobs, Review and initials the contractors’ job tickets to ensure proper invoicing, prepare final log report.
*  Evaluates technically slick line / logging service companies, prepare scope of work / tender, and evaluates service companies’ bids, proposals and assesses performance / capabilities and reports to PE-Logg. (US/ZK) with appropriate recommendations, validates invoices prior to approval.
*  Coordinates with Logistics Division during the service company’s crew movement to and from site. Coordinates with service companies to ensure movement of logging units to ADMA-OPCO Mussafah base. Coordinates with Stores Supervisor to ensure shipment of logging units to concerned location. Coordinate with Wireline Supervisor to ensure completion of tubing check prior to moving logging units to operations site.
*  Advises TPO-TL (US/ZK) on the movement of the logging units and exact the storage location.
*  Ensures that contractors are fully aware of and adhere to safety rules, regulations and standards. Conduct group safety meeting on well-head towers. Checks and ensures that contractor’s personnel are fully aware of the procedures prior to logging operations on all type of wells specifically for gas wells. Ensures validity of contractors’ equipment certification prior and during logging campaign.
*  Coordinates, participates with HSED for safety induction and training of contracted workforce, and in-group safety meetings on wellhead towers.
*   Implements, Controls and monitors the implementation of Company’s HSE standards to ensure safety of personnel. Promotes subordinates and contractors personnel awareness of safety and occupational health regulations through meetings. Audits field logging operations to assure compliance with company HSE policies.
*  Performs other related duties as assigned by Petroleum Engineer (Logging) such as preparing yearly logging achievement / plan, generating spreadsheet based programs and charts for easy analysis of data, attending meetings and writing technical reports performing the duties of Petroleum Engineering (Logging) during his absence.
*  Assisting in the training of UAE National Junior employees assigned to the unit etc.
ResponsibilitiesDirects and controls Contractor’s activities involved in carrying out site logging operations to provide Reservoir and Petroleum Engineers with detailed information on the nature and behavior of fluids in the wells during production or injection. Draw logging plans and programmes to ensure all Field Development Division’s (FDD-US/ZK&NF) requirements are met. Coordinates with concerned personnel for movement for Logging units. Ensures adherence to Company’s Health safety & Environmental rules, regulations and technical standards. Supervise / witnesses’ logging surveys conducted by services companies and interpret, assure & validate the survey results prior dispatch to FDD-US/ ZK & NF). (Work covers oil producers, water injectors and gas wells in all ADMA Fields).
Location Offshore
Start Date 9/18/2012
Monthly Salary Competitive
No Of Vacancies One


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