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Principal Petroleum Systems Analyst-Vacancy

Job Description 

Principal Petroleum Systems Analyst - 05263
  At Woodside you will work alongside the industry’s brightest minds in a supportive environment of respect and innovation. Your future is bright at Woodside.

Principal Petroleum Systems Analyst

Woodside is the largest operator of oil and gas production in Australia, producing around 800,000 barrels of oil equivalent each day from an extensive portfolio of facilities which we operate on behalf of some of the world’s major oil and gas companies. As an explorer, Woodside is the most active exploration company in Australia’s deepwater provinces, having participated in about 40% of Australia’s deepwater exploration wells.  We hold more offshore permits in Australia than any other oil and gas company and are rapidly expanding internationally. Leveraging our capabilities in areas such as 3D and 4D seismic and amplitude-supported drilling, underpinned by our excellence in geology and geophysics, we have added substantial new volumes of oil and gas to our portfolio. We have a proven record of delivering low-cost wells drilled to high technical and safety specifications, in Australia and internationally.

As the Principal Petroleum Systems Analyst, you will lead a small team of professionals conducting petroleum systems studies across our Australian and international business. The team applies basin modelling and petroleum geochemistry methods and knowledge to reduce charge risk and predict fluid properties. The team is highly engaged in the exploration decision making process and also has a record of applying numerical simulation and reservoir geochemistry methods to solve problems and reduce costs in the appraisal and production arenas. The principal PSA is responsible for charting the development of the discipline, maintaining technical awareness and providing regular training to geoscientists and engineers.

  To meet the challenges of this role you will need a postgraduate degree (MSc or PhD) in geology or geochemistry and a minimum 12 years experience in petroleum systems analysis. You will have demonstrated an ability to initiate, plan, perform and communicate the results of basin modelling, exploration geochemistry and reservoir geochemistry studies to asset teams, joint venture partners and technical peer groups. You will be conversant with the strengths and limitations of multi-dimensional basin modelling packages and know how to integrate the results with geochemistry to provide concise risk and value statements. Experience in the integration of basin modelling with geopressure and seismic inversion studies is an advantage.


 : Petroleum Engineering

Primary Location

 : AU-WA-Perth


 : Full-time

Job Posting

 : Sep 27, 2012, 11:37:45 AM


  1. Noticeably, there is an increase in petroleum engineering like those of oil and gas jobs alberta. Looks like fuel is still the leading commodity despite the discovery of how to use natural gas.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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