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(Lowongan Kerja) HSE Manager, Drilling Fluid Engineer, Drilling Waste Engineer, Warehouse Spv

PT. SCOMI OILTOOLS, a subsidiary of SCOMI GROUP, is one of the world s leading providers of innovative high performance Drilling Fluids solutions and state-of-the-art Drilling Waste Management services. With a combined experience of almost 50 years and a global presence at 57 locations in 28 countries. We are well-placed to look after your oilfield requirements.

The Oilfield business comprises two core divisions - Drilling Fluids and Drilling Waste Management. Together, these divisions form a workflow which is time and cost effective, while in complete compliance with international environmental standards. We are the desired choice of partners for oilfield solutions worldwide offering various oilfield services in one package.

Come join the dynamic team at SCOMI and you can take your place among excellent.

Currently we are seeking candidates for several positions as below criteria:



·      Minimum Degree, with experience 4 – 7 at Managerial level; 
·      Notice period ASAP;
·      Able to demonstrate proactive involvement in all aspects of HSE through observation card reporting, safety meetings and pre tour meetings in the areas of; Maintain up-to-date MSDS and wall cards. Demonstrate examples as pre tour safety meeting involvement. Demonstrated setting safety guidelines in chemical mixing instructions for rig personnel;
 Â·      Able to do or demonstrate advance knowledge, skills and behaviors in key actions consistently to meet required standards. Review works of others adequacy and improvement, works independently;
 Â·      Able to recognize the industrial process, tools, equipments, and materials that are potentially harmful. Assess accurately level of risk exposure. Determine the consequences and frequencies of accidents associated with the occurrence of hazardous events by selecting an applying an appropriate risk assessment method. Obtain and applies specified control measures to minimize risk effectively at all times. Makes timely report on the hazards to the appropriate personnel;
 Â·   Able to identify and comply with workplace safety rules and requirements. Trains and monitors workplace safety in accordance with organizational and statutory requirements and guidelines;
·   Good communications & interpersonal skill (English language is a must);
·   Able to work as a leader and responsible to create a comprehensive teamwork in HSE Department.


•     S1/D3 electric/mechanic, minimum experience 2 years in Oil & Gas Industries;
•     Good interpersonal and communication skills;
•     Able to operate a computer/PC;
•     Self motivated, pro-active and able to work as part of the team;
•     Willing to work in a remote area;
•     Good attitude and able to work under pressure


•     Min. Bachelor degree (s-1) in Geology, Chemical or Petroleum Engineering from reputable University with minimum 5 (five) years experience as Mud Engineer;
•     Min have 2 years offshore experiences;
•     Have a deep knowledge on Drilling Fluids Service Management;
•     Having OBM/ WBM experiences;
•     Having HTHP & Deep Water Well experiences;
•     Good interpersonal and communication skills;
•     English fluency is a must;
•     Able to operate a computer/PC;
•     Self motivated, pro-active and able to work as part of the team;
•     Willing to work in a remote area;
•     Good attitude and able to work under pressure.


•        Min. Bachelor degree (s-1) in Geology, Chemical or Petroleum Engineering from reputable University , fresh graduate are welcome;
•        Good interpersonal and communication skills;
•        English fluency is a must;
•        Able to operate a computer/PC;
•        Self motivated, pro-active and able to work as part of the team;
•        Willing to work in a remote area;
•        Good attitude and able to work under pressure.


•     Minimum Degree (any background educational);
•     Able to operate Internet and Excel;
•     Having knowledge about SAP, specially in inventory will be an advantaged;
•     Holding certification as forklift operator will be an advantaged;
•     Good interpersonal skill and ease to adapt with society;
•     Able to work as a team and or independence;
•     Able to work under pressure to meet the deadline;
•     Willing to travelling depend on Company request;
•     Well organized and willing to do administrative things.

If you meet the above requirements, Please send your application to with detailed resume and recent photograph and put job title name on subject email.

To brief you our activity, pls visit our website:

Tanggal Posting : 3 Oktober 2012


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