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Job Opening: - Executive (Platform Installation)

 Tanggal Posting : 4 Oktober 2012

We are - SOFOMATION - a human resource staffing agency providing highest standards of quality and professionalism. We pride ourselves on our efficient, professional and yet personal services both to our clients and applicants and our ability to supply the right staff complements the recruitment needs of our esteemed clients.

Company: - Oil and Gas Company

Location: - MALAYSIA

Job Opening: - Executive (Platform Installation) (Offshore Installation Engineer)

Total years of work Experience:-
Current Basic salary in USD / Month(Nett):-
Expected Basic salary USD / Month(Nett):-
Notice Period:-
Nationality / Dual Nationality:-
No. of years in Oil and Gas Sector:-
Current Location:-
Date of Birth:-
Phone No:-

Job Description
1. Plan & implement approved business strategy for platform installation for PCSB global operation by ensuring optimum resource and logistic utilization and acquisition of appropriate technologies to enable value creation.
2. Propose & implement the Long Term Barge Sequence (LTBS) for economies of scale and project optimization through synergy to effectively optimize vessels utilization and minimize operational cost through vessel sharing within PCSB and other PSCs and partners.
3. Develop & execute the Offshore Installation contract to ensure synergy among the parties involved through out the development & production cycle.
4. Analyse & advice with respect to the Approved Contract Values (ACV) matters for offshore installation contract to ensure cost optimization to the project and compliance to procurement and contracting procedures.
5. Provide technical expert advice and consultancy services to PCSB global operation on matters pertaining to platform installation for various project cycle i.e. Field Development Plan, design, fabrication and installation to ensure prudent evaluation of opportunities and risk mitigation for sound investment decisions.
6. Analyse & implement new and niche technologies to ensure PCSB has global competitive advantage in platform installation.
7. Enforce & disseminate HSE culture and lifestyle in platform installation activities to ensure full compliance to HSEMS and Statutory Regulations in ensuring safe and quality project deliverable while adhering to each host country regulatory requirement.
8. Conduct project interfaces between customers and contractors which lead to effective execution of contract and compliance to the contractual Terms and Conditions, procedural and regulatory requirements through continuous monitoring of all activities to ensure minimal or no interruption to projects.
9. Facilitate cultural change required to transform Platform Installation section into a learning organization and a centre of Technical Excellence through knowledge sharing, implementing quality work culture and providing the platform for the staff's lifelong learning.
10. Identify potential technical improvement areas and propose relevant trainings to enhance personal skill, technical & management skills.

Job Purpose:
1. Conduct and implement the platform installation associated activities to ensure optimum and cost effective development whilst upholding the highest technical integrity in order to effectively monetise and grow PCSB's global portfolio and opportunities.
2. Conduct & implement the development and enhancement of technical and professional capabilities for platform installation activities; review and propose acquisition and application of best practices, standards and technologies; to asses, plan and integrate marine services and resources for projects, operating regions and other Production Sharing Contractors; for total quality (cost effectiveness, HSE and statutory compliance, technical integrity) solutions resulting in key contribution towards PCSB aspiration to be a Global Champion and in support of competitive advantage and value creation in domestic and international.
We would share your details with the client. If your CV is shortlisted, we will inform you.

If any of your colleagues/friends would be interested for this opening, kindly send us their contact details

Please be informed that the Client's Job offer is a “ 3 Year Renewable Contract” only. There is no permanent staff position for Expats (until clearly stated)

Interview would be 19th OCT 2012 till 21st OCT 2012 Jakarta, Indonesia Campaign. Please confirm to availability.

Thank & Regards,
Harsha Kumbhar
Sofomation Energy
Tel No:- +912242459820
Email Id:-

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  • does NOT endorse any requests for money payments,
  • does NOT advice sharing of bank account details,
  • does NOT act as labour consultants to any party.


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