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Exploration — Geologists & Geophysicists

Job Description 

Exploration — Geologists & Geophysicists - 04028
When you join Woodside, you'll be part of a team that is renowned for ingenuity, innovation and success. Your future is bright at Woodside.
Potential opportunities exist for senior level Exploration - Geologists & Geophysicists, to work at Woodside's head offices in Perth.
We're seeking senior level, proven hydrocarbon finders capable of integrating geological and geophysical data to generate, mature and evaluate economic oil and gas prospects.  
Some of your responsibilities may include the following:
  • Prepare fully integrated subsurface interpretations to evaluate prospect primary risk parameters of structure presence, structure effectiveness, reservoir presence, reservoir effectiveness and charge
  • Interpret technical data over existing lease inventory, finalize maps and support data, evaluate risk, prepare recommendations for wildcat well locations or asset rationalization
  • Identify and evaluate prospects available through farm-ins/joint venture opportunities, gazettal's, asset sales
  • Prepare exploration plans & appropriation requests, monitor drilling wells & conduct post drill reviews
  • Propose and manage geoscientific studies with internal and external service providers
  • Assist in the preparation of volumetric & economic analyses for prospects & well locations
  • Evaluate and recommend geological and seismic data acquisition opportunities, seismic data reprocessing, new technology applications and technical services.  Assure the delivery of quality products and services at competitive rates
  • Recognise and recommend commercially attractive business opportunities.
  • Help high-grade acreage in which to pursue new play concepts within region
  • Monitor/evaluate competitor activity
  • Present evaluation results to management and joint venture  partners
  • Build and maintain mutually beneficial technical relationships with other Woodside functional and asset teams
  • Mentor graduates and less experienced team members.
We're seeking individuals with the following skills and experience:
  • Experience with Linux, NT and Windows platforms including Landmark's OpenWorks suite and Microsoft Office applications
  • Strong technical background in the practical application of geological and geophysical technologies such as 2D and 3D seismic reflection data and their derivative products (AVO/AVA, inverse and forward modelling, poststack and prestack time & depth migration), velocity modelling and synthetic seismograms
  • Strong working knowledge of one of the following: Sequence stratigraphy, structural geology, play based exploration
  • Working knowledge of well log analysis, petrophysics, risk evaluation, velocity fields, borehole seismic, potential fields, geochemistry, sequence stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and basic reservoir engineering
  • Working knowledge & experience of geoscientific applications such as HampsonRussell, Petrosys, ArcGIS,  and VoxelGeo would be an advantage
  • Knowledge of portfolio and project management, strategic planning, process analysis
  • Position requires strong motivation to pursue and achieve technical excellence and strong written and verbal communication skills
  • The successful candidate will be able to work independently but should also have strong teamwork skills
  • Willing to take a leadership role in the development & application of new exploration technologies


 : Exploration Geology

Primary Location

 : AU-WA-Perth


 : Full-time


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