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Lowongan Work Over Well RIG, diPekanbaru perusahaan lokal Indonesia. Dan Tinggal diPekanbaru area

Lowongan Work Over Well RIG, diPekanbaru perusahaan lokal Indonesia. Dan Tinggal
diPekanbaru area.

Vacancy : Area Manager, HES Coordinator, Rig Superintendent, Sr. Tool Pusher,
Reliability Engineer, Chief Mechanic, Chief Electrician, Truck Pusher, Tool
Pusher, Rig Operation Engineer, Field HES Officer, Driller, Derrick man, Floor
man in Pekanbaru, lebih disukai bertempat tinggal diPekan Baru.

Job Title Qualification
1. Area Manager
- Preferable S1 with 3years experiences orD3 degree with 5 years experiences or
SHS with 10 years experiences in managerial position (supervisory) has a strong
leadership and team work.
- Fluently in English both verbal and writing.
- Has valid Driver license B1 minimum
- Has a good PC literacy. Familiar with Excel, MS Word and Power Point.
- Responsible and Accountable to all workover operations aspects and HES.
- Must have a valid Migas Ceritification Ahli Pengendali Bor III (AP III).
- Shall complete IADC WellCAP certification within 12 months since Commencement

2. HES Coordinator
- S1 Degree and Diploma (D3) degree with 1 year experience or SHS with at least
5  (five) years experience working on location time in developing, implementing
and overseeing safety programs for drilling and well service rigs, safety
management skills in setting plans, scheduling, and motivation skills, ability
to work self-supervised performing safety needs in a new work site, safety
inspections, investigation, JSA, HAZOP, LOTO, planning for HES training needs,
conduct training,
- Has valid Driver license B1 minimum.
- Fluently in English both oral and written
- Has a good PC literacy. Familiar with Excel, MS Word and Power Point.
- Must have a valid Migas Ceritification Juru Bor III (JB III).

3. Rig Superintendent
- S1 degree with 3 years experiences or D3 degree with 5 year experience or SHS
with at least 10 (ten) years experience actual on location time in supervising
workover and/or well service rigs, Must have a deep knowledge on: SOP, JSA,
LOTO, HES and Emergency Response, Technical & Engineering knowledge on workover
operations and equipment, strong leadership and team work, Rig Inspection
Management System,
- Fluently in English both oral and writing.
- Has valid Driver license B1 minimum.
- Has a good PC literacy. Familiar with Excel, MS Word and Power Point.
- Must have a valid Migas Ceritification Ahli Pengendali Bor III (AP III)
- Shall complete IADC WellCAP certification within 12 months since Commencement
- Responsible and Accountable to all workover operations aspects and HES.
- User will involve in evaluating competency
- Rig Superintendent shall complete up to module 6 of Well Work and Completion
or equal within 36 months time since Commencement Date.
- Rig Superintendent cannot be shared with other contract outside SLS Area and
supervise at maximum of three rigs

4. Sr. Tool  Pusher
- Minimum SHS with Must have at least three (3) years experience as Tool Pusher,
knowledge on SOP, JSA, LOTO, HES and Emergency Response, technical knowledge on
workover operations and equipment, leadership and team work,
- Must have a valid Migas Ceritification Ahli Pengendali Bor III (AP III)
I IADC WellCAP certified,complete IADC WellCAP certification within 12 months,
since Commencement Date.
- Has valid Driver license B1 minimum.
- Fluently in English both oral and writing, has a good PC literacy. Familiar
with Excel, MS Word and Power Point.
- Responsible and Accountable to all workover operations aspects and HES.
- Sr. Tool Pushershall complete up to module 6 of Well Work and Completion or
equal within 36 months time since Commencement Date.

5. Reliability Engineer
- S1 preferable with 1 year experience in rig and its equipment maintenance.
-Fluently in PM/PDM process and implementation.
- Driver license B1 minimum

6. Truck Pusher
- Minimum SHS with 2 years experienced as trailer/lowboy/tandem driver on rig
operation. However, if occurs more than 1 rig moving on the same time contractor
is still responsible to manage the rig moving
- Has a valid B2 Driving License

7. Tool Pusher
- Minimum SHS with must have at least 2 years experiences as Tool Pusher
knowledge on SOP, JSA, LOTO, HSE and Emergency Response, technical knowledge on
work over operations and equipment, leadership and team work,
- Fluently in English both oral and writing
- Has a good PC literacy. Familiar with Excel, MS Word and Power Point,
- Responsible and Accountable to all workover operations aspects and HES.
- Must have a valid Migas Ceritification Ahli Pengendali Bor III (AP III)
- Has valid Driver license B1
- Shall complete IADC WellCAP certification within 12 months, since Commencement
- Tool Pusher shall complete up to module 5 of Well Work and Completion or equal
within 36 months time since Commencement Date.

8. Rig Operation Engineer
- S1 degree – technical degree in mechanical, mining, petroleum, geology or
related engineering degree, knowledge on SOP, JSA, LOTO, HSE and Emergency
Response. Shows leadership skill, good team work, eager to learn, good command
of English both oral and writing, PC literacy. Familiar with Excel, MS Word and
Power Point, Responsible and Accountable to all work over operations aspects and
- Driver license B1 minimum.

9 Field HES Officer
- Minimum D3, with one (1) year experience in safety and industrial hygiene
related matters on workover in three (3) years operations and well service rigs
or SHS at least one (1) year of experience  in safety and industrial hygiene
related matters on workover and well service rigs five (5) years operation.
- Has a valid minimum Migas Certification Operator Menara Bor (OMB).
- Fluently in English both oral and writing
- Has a good PC literacy. Familiar with Excel, MS Word and Power Point.
- Shall have ability to work self supervised performing safety needs in a new
work site, safety inspections, investigation, JSA, LOTO, HAZOP, planning for HES
training needs, conduct onsite training and conversant with Chevron safety
- Has a valid Driver license B1

10 Driller
- Minimum SHS with Must have at least three (3) years experience as Driller,
knowledge on SOP, LOTO, HSE and Emergency Response, technical knowledge on
workover operations and equipment,  leadership and team work, Responsible and
accountable to all workover operations aspects and HES.
- Must has a valid Migas Certification Juru Bor (JB).
- Driller shall complete up to module 4 of Well Work and Completion or equal
within 36 months time since Commencement Date.

11. Derrick man
- Minimum SHS with Must have at least three (3) years experience as Derrick man
on workover rigs.  Must be able to communicate with Floormen, Drillers, Tour
Pushers and Tool Pushers.  Responsibilities will include off-floor (monkey
board) work scope execution and HES, and have good knowledge on SOP, LOTO, HSE
and Emergency Response, technical knowledge on workover operations and
equipment, leadership and team work.
- Has a valid Migas Certificate Oprator Menara Bor (OMB).
- Derrick man shall complete up to module 3 of Well Work and Completion or equal
within 36 months time since Commencement Date.

11.Floor man
- Minimum SHS with a must have at least one (1) year experience as floorman on
workover rigs.  Responsibilities will include on-floor work, moving scope
execution and HES.
- Has a valid Migas Certificate Operator Lantai Bor (OLB).
- Floorman shall complete up to module 2 of Well Work and Completion or equal
within 24 months time since Commencement Date.

Lamaran dikirim ke : / au.job11 at tanpa spasi.

Ditujukan kepada : HRD Recuitment Team.

Diberi subject : Finance atau Cost Control Enginer sesuai dengan lamaran yang

Hanya kandidat yang qualified yang akan diproses lebih lanjut.

Powered by Harley Berry and Trooper Diesel 4X4


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