Untuk Production Engineer, jobdes-nya antara lain :
1. Ensuring that Senior Production Engineers and other Engineering personnel are assigned to projects.
2. Ensuring that all Engineering requirements are clearly defined.
3. Liaising with the Senior Production Engineers and assisting as required in the co-ordination of their respective projects.
4. Deputising for the Division Chief Engineer in his absence.
5. Attending site Project meetings as necessary.
6. Ensuring that Management Project Status reports are published.
7. Ensuring that material requirements for projects are available in a timely manner and that material demands are raised in adequate time.
8. Liaising with Fabrication personnel to ensure that they are aware of Project requirements.
Tanya - Irfan
Mungkin ada yang tahu jobdescription untuk pekerjaan "production engineer" atau "barge engineer" ??, mohon bisa disharing informasinya, thanks & regards.
Tanggapan 1 - Abraham Imam Muttaqin
Untuk Production Engineer, jobdes-nya antara lain :
1. Ensuring that Senior Production Engineers and other Engineering personnel are assigned to projects.
2. Ensuring that all Engineering requirements are clearly defined.
3. Liaising with the Senior Production Engineers and assisting as required in the co-ordination of their respective projects.
4. Deputising for the Division Chief Engineer in his absence.
5. Attending site Project meetings as necessary.
6. Ensuring that Management Project Status reports are published.
7. Ensuring that material requirements for projects are available in a timely manner and that material demands are raised in adequate time.
8. Liaising with Fabrication personnel to ensure that they are aware of Project requirements.
Tanggapan 2 - irfan
terima kasih Bung Abraham,
kalo gitu hampir sama dengan jobdesc untuk Human Resources & Development atau Business Development ya ??
Tanggapan 3 - nurhari
I think the important of the poduction engineer ==
Planning, Organising , controlling and reviewing of the production maybe could be the same function with Project engineering. And the important thing of "production" is Customer satisfaction.
Tanggapan 4 - irfan
Thanks mr. nur hari, btw are you graduated from teknik perkapalan'95 or teknik perkapalan'94 FTK ITS that i ever knew it ?
Tanggapan 5 - Christanto Kaelan
Mas Irfan,
Kalo boleh nambahin responsibilities dari manual nya tempatnya saya bekerja, Responsibilities of produciton engineer :
1. Review all drawing, specs.
2. Work with yard personnel,client to resolve any fabrication problems.
3. Prepare material purcahase list.
4. Ensure yard is supplied with the correct material and drawing to meer schedule requirement.
5. Ensure material, fabrication, and installation in accrodance of drawing and specs.
6. Coordinate the planning to ensure compliance with the overall plan.
7. Assist in any testing as required.
Tentu saja job desc ini disesuaikan dengan kondisi Mcdermott sebagai perusahaan konstruksi. Untuk jenis usaha yang laen, mungkin job desc nya bakal menyesuaikan.
Tanggapan 6 - irfan
thanks bung christanto kaelan atas attention-nya, kayaknya bisa disandingkan dengan comment dari bung abraham imam muttaqien, yang notabene temen se-kerja sampeyan juga :).
Tanggapan 7 - Imam, Abraham
Bung Irfan,
Berikut ada tambahan lagi tentang jobdes-nya production engineer :
9. Reviewing Project plans to identify any potential areas of concern or conflicts with regard to the overall availability of equipment, materials, etc.
10. Reviewing documentation produced by Engineering prior to Client review and ensuring that appropriate procedures, calculations, etc. Are submitted to the Client for review in accordance with contractual requirements.
11. Monitoring achievement of all work against the fabrication schedule, ensuring that progress is reported and identifying problem areas or extra work. Liaising with Fabrication and Planning on any remedial actions considered necessary.
12. Ensuring that all weight control activities are undertaken to meet Project requirements.
13. Ensuring that work is performed in accordance with the requirements of the Quality Management System and Project Quality Plan. Continuously monitoring the situation to ensure conformance to the agreed requirements.
Wah....kalo disamakan dengan jobdesnya HRD ato Bussiness Development kayaknya kurang begitu tepat. Yah....intinya sih pekerjaan 'manajemen proyek'.
Btw, Bung Irfan kenal dengan Eris Risuda (ex bukaka di bagian tower) ?
Tanggapan 8 - Candra, Eddie
Kalo 'barge engineer' tugasnya adalah memastikan semua pekerjaan yang dilakukan di barge bisa selesai dengan bermutu, cepat, dan aman.
Tanggapan 9 - irfan
Bung abraham imam (gimana panggilannya ya :)).
Thanks to 2nd times, atas infobusinessnya :), semoga bisa menambah knowledge di brain saya.
Bung eris risuda, tepatnya Rd. Eris Risuda, lulusan ITB, teknik sipil, masuk di bukaka tahun 1998 berbarengan dengan temen2nya misal : syarief, aten, budi, suyanto, yudi, ditempatkan dibawah divisi steel tower engineering, tentu saya kenal, salam teramat kangen sama beliau :), semoga tidak lupa dengan "sejarah".
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