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Find out what kind of career we are currently offering that fits to your qualification. Please send your recent application to with the career position you are applying in the email subject. Good luck!


Vacancy : 1 person
Work Location : Setiabudi Atrium, South Jakarta

Job Specification

Bachelor Degree (S1) of petroleum engineering or mining engineering with at least 12-15 years experience in operations department

Job Summary

Arrange the planning, implementation, and supervision include activity of target determining to Production Engineering/ Production Operation Engineering and technical service support at field which oriented in life environment, work health and safety to be appropriate with company’s purpose

Main Duties & Responsibilities

  • To plan, implement, and prepare a target and purpose, supervise activity of engineering operations, and provide support to engineering personnel and field production operation.
  • To plan and supervise specification preparation of production equipment by consultation with engineering personnel and production operation before
  • Coordinate and plan operational budget and production budget; and preparation of AFE (CAPEX and OPEX)
  • Identify a probability in order to increase operation efficiency and ask someone to conduct an evaluation studies of methods, procedures, and alternative technology according to good oil fields engineering practices
  • Evaluate probability of new technology which related to method, concept, and strategy implementation
  • Guide a carrier development of subordinate
  • Propose suggestions to team concept in undertaking work, exploiting opportunities, and problem solving
  • Planning and implementation of target and purpose
  • Operation and production budget planning
  • Responsible for implementing HSE policies and are accountable for the result of HSE performance, that listed in company HSE policy


Vacancy : 1 person
Work Location : Setiabudi Atrium, South Jakarta

Job Specification

  • Industrial Engineering degree or equivalent (Chemical or Process preferred, Mechanical or Applied Physics)
  • 5 - 10 year experience Upstream and/or Downstream oil and gas
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to mentor peers and work as a team member and leader in influencing risk management decisions
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and spoken in English

Specific to roles

  • Strong knowledge of HSE management systems and technical competence
  • Ability to coordinate HSE activity plan ensuring cross discipline inputs to the plan
  • Very strong technical competence in technical safety deliverables and processes
  • Ability in facilitating and conducting qualitative risk assessments, including HAZOP, HAZID, SIL and other Process Hazard Assessments
  • Ability to produce formal technical reports, Safety/HSE Cases and other small project deliverables on time and to budget
  • Previous experience in contractor HSE management system and ability to provide HSE guidance for contractor evaluations/audits
  • Understanding in ISO14001/OHSAS18001 programs
  • Experience in coordinating environmental management plan implementation and monitoring
  • Experience in developing or providing support on emergency preparedness plan implementation and oil spill contingency plan


Vacancy : 1 person
Work Location : Air Serdang Site, Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatera



Job Specification

Diploma Degree (D3), with min. 8 years experience in material control or more than 10 years experience in Oil and Gas company

Job Summary

Manage, maintain, and control of required material inventory for support company’s operation and fill an order of user’s functions

Main Duties & Responsibilities

  • Control and make a note of all activity in material field i.e.: make a note to inventory, maintain, and deliver materials according to the request
  • Check and legalizing of supply’s documents according to the authority
  • Prepare material to re-exported
  • Coordinate material control or inspection in warehouse with Finance Staff
  • Prepare an activity report in material field periodic, detail, and neatly
  • Give example and exercise to subordinate, in order to perform their task accurately and efficiently
  • Maintenance and delivery of material
  • Arrangement of activities report in material field
  • Preparation of material to be exported
  • Responsible for implementing HSE policies and are accountable for the result of HSE performance, that listed in company HSE policy


Vacancy : 1 person
Work Location : Setiabudi Atrium, South Jakarta

Job Specification

Bachelor degree (S1) of Law, with at least 5 years experience in import and export or legal in oil and gas company. Capable for create or translate an agreement based on law, both for goods purchase and service purchase using Indonesia or English language

Main Duties & Responsibilities

  • Prepare, develop, and update system and revision of company contract
  • Check and correct documents of contract before tender
  • Prepare formality documents as required for arrangement of material custom, transportation, handling and storage of explosive, arrangement of custom for import/export and other goods according to the regulation that apply
  • Organize all formality archive, document, and file consecutively
  • Prepare correspondence as required
  • Build a relationship with other parties, other institution, or Regional Government around company operational location
  • To review and draft to contracts and all matters related to Production Sharing Contract (PSC)
  • Engaged in completion of dispute including taxes, manpower, land clearance and damage claim and others based on corporation legal aspects.
  • Responsible for implementing HSE policies and are accountable for the result of HSE performance, that listed in company HSE policy

Best Regards
Jahnawi Wasisto


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