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We need Only Indonesian SENIOR PROCESS ENGINEER for EPC

Please find the requirement of SENIOR PROCESS ENGINEER in Oil and Gas
sector, If you are available and interested for the below position as
well as the location please send the below information.

We will deeply appreciate you if you share this position with yours friends.

About Source Pundit LLC

Source pundit is a leading consultancy servicing a broad range of
clients in the upstream oil & gas process industries. We are operating
on a global basis thru our offices in St. Louis (USA), New Delhi
(India) and San Jose (Costa Rica).

We offer the following services:
Recruitment (finding the right talent),
Marketing services (finding & keeping the right client)
Application services (Software development and support).

Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Years of experience: 10+ Years

Job description:

• Having at least 10-15 years of relevant experience in multinational
and/or local EPC companies related to process design for
Offshore/Onshore Oil & Gas Facilities, Refining and Petrochemicals
Projects with emphasis on Design Engineering (FEED or Basic
Engineering, Detailed Engineering) and construction.
• Familiar with Codes and Standards for the Oil & Gas Industry, such
as API, ASME, TEMA, etc.
• Capable of providing technical guidance and consultation to
designers, engineers, associates and others on technical
• Capable of generating PFD, UFD, Heat and Material Balance (HMB),
P&ID development, equipment sizing, hydraulic calculation and line
sizing, relieve valve sizing and blow down calculation.
• Capable of providing Process deliverables and datasheet for
equipment (pump, special piping item and instrumentations).
• Experience in HAZOP meeting, deliver Safe Chart, Cause & Effect, ESD
Logic Diagram, study reports and analysis for Process and Utility
• Software skill required: HYSYS (Process Design Simulations),
Flarenet, PIPESIM, PIPEHASE, PRO/II and Aspen Plus.
• Strong leadership, trustworthy and possesses team alignment skills.
• Good command of English (oral and written)
• Good interpersonal skills and a Team player

Please revert with Updated Resume along with the following Details
(mandatory for considering your profile for the position).

1) Date of Birth (Age):
2) Status (Family/Single):
3) Direct Contact No:
4) Alternate Contact No:
5) Total Work Experience:
6) Experience in EPC:
7) Total Work Experience in Oil & Gas:
8) Current Salary in USD (Facility Included/Excluded):
9) Expected Salary in USD (Facility Included/Excluded):
10) Joining Period:
11) Reason for Job Change:

Technical Recruiter
Source Pundit Infosystems Pvt Ltd
Sarita Vihar, Delhi- 110076
+91 11 40704010

To get latest job news in EPC sector join my group by clicking below Link

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Pundit (; Ref Id: 19533; H Block Sarita
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can report abuse by forwarding this email to

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does NOT endorse any requests for money payments,
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